Monday, April 19, 2010

Way behind on updating

We did quite a bit of shopping this weekend. We had run out of ground beef and were hoping for a sale, otherwise we were going to do with out. Thankfully we found a really good sale and we were able to splurge on some expensive granola bars we both really like.

Newflower Farmers Market - we found the beef on sale here for $1.77 a pound (85% lean)
Total before sales and Q: $47.24
Total sales (includes $0.10 bag redemption credit): $22.74
Total Q: $2
Total OOP: $22.50

Costco - James liked the avocados. Total OOP = Zero ($5.49 on GC)

Phoenicia's Bakery - James really likes to have the pita bread on hand. Not pictured are the cookies we ate from the baker. Total OOP = $4.15

Dog Almighty - Lunch. Total OOP = Zero ($10.76 on GC)

Ramos - We came home from shopping and did some massive cleaning. We didn't want to dirty the kitchen so we went out to eat. Total OOP = $10.05

Breakfast this morning so that our house wouldn't smell like bacon before guests arrived = $8.56

Lunch = Zero (treated to lunch by my Mom) Saved $12

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